Évora University


The Évora University was the second university to be established in Portugal in November 1 of 1559. Famous Iberian professors gave their classes there, among them Pedro da Fonseca, the most important Portuguese philosopher from the 16th century. When the political and cultural conjuncture of the mid-18th century began to prove hostile to the Jesuits, the University of Évora had easily become a target of the reform and centralist policy of Portuguese prime minister Pombal. On February 8, 1759 - 200 years after its foundation - the University was surrounded by cavalry troops, as a result of the decree who expelled the Jesuits who taught and lived at Espírito Santo College. Two centuries after the University was restored and is organized into schools covered specific issues: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Health and Nursery and Sciences and Technology. Over the last years, the University has fostered a close link with the community. Such interaction has been possible through the creation of working networks, the participation in the Science and Technology Park as well as through the establishment of protocols and co-promotion research projects.